Cataract Surgery Basics - Bệnh Viện Mắt Quốc Tế DND - 128 Bùi Thị Xuân HN
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  • Cataract Surgery Basics

    [:vi]Sau khi phẫu thuật đục thủy tinh thể cần lưu ý điều gì?

    Sau khi hoàn thành phẫu thuật, người bệnh cần sử dụng thuốc theo đúng chỉ dẫn của bác sĩ. Người bệnh cần tránh bụi bẩn, tránh các chấn thương, va đập và tái khám theo đúng lịch hẹn để phát hiện sớm các bất thường nếu có và điều chỉnh kịp thời.[:en]In cataract surgery, the lens inside your eye that has become cloudy is removed and replaced with an artificial lens (called an intraocular lens, or IOL) to restore clear vision. The procedure typically is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require an overnight stay in a hospital or other care facility. Most modern cataract procedures involve the use of a high-frequency ultrasound device that breaks up the cloudy lens into small pieces, which are then gently removed from the eye with suction. This procedure, called phacoemulsification or “phaco,” can be performed with smaller incisions than previous surgical techniques for cataract removal, promoting faster healing and reducing the risk of cataract surgery complications, such as a retinal detachment. After all remnants of the cloudy lens have been removed from your eye, the cataract surgeon inserts a clear intraocular lens, positioning it securely behind the iris and pupil, in the same location your natural lens occupied. (In special cases, an IOL might be placed in front of the iris and pupil, but this is less common.) The surgeon then completes the cataract removal and IOL implantation procedure by closing the incision in your eye (a stitch may or may not be needed), and a protective shield is placed over the eye to keep it safe in the early stages of your cataract surgery recovery.[:]

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